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Bungkalan Kumustahan Day 1
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Bungkalan Kumustahan Day 2
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Agroecology Fair 2021 - Bantayog ng mga Bayani (1)
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About the
National People's Food Systems Summit (NPFSS)
The National People's Food Systems Summit is organized by the AgroecologyX Network to drum up public awareness and support for our effort to mainstream agroecology and food sovereignty as our response to the UN’s call to transform the current food systems. The Philippine CSOs under Agroecology X believe that only a strong people’s movement can realize a complete shift in who controls the food systems. Only a strong people’s movement can tilt power relations paving the way for the people to put power from corporate hands into those who produce food.
It aims to promote an agroecological food system anchored on genuine agrarian reform and national industrialization as the solution to the ills of the current global corporate food system.
On the purpose of attaining secure, safe and affordable food for and from the Filipino people, forwarded by Agroecology X from the series of fora related to the different sectors involved in creating, distributing and consuming food, the following propositions:
Stop the liberalization and foreign domination on food
Implement genuine land reform
Achieve just prices and wages
Strengthen Filipino agriculture and develop rural and national industries
Fund Filipino food
Ensure sufficient and immediate support in times of calamity
Promote farmer-led research and development
Advance the people’s democratic rights
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